Home Mineral Vitalizing Peel-Off Mask
Mineral Vitalizing Peel-Off Mask - SeasideSPA

Mineral Vitalizing Peel-Off Mask

Sale price $39.00
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A vegan mentholated peel-off mask that leaves the skin with a marvelous cooling sensation while it gently exfoliates, cleans & softens.


Apply to clean skin avoiding the eye area and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then peel it off with dry fingers as one piece or remove with circular movements. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water until all remnants are removed. Recommended Use: Use on its own or before another nourishing mask.

When you focus on breathing while applying your skincare, miracles appear. In order to achieve the best results, we recommend following our application technique under the breathing benefits tab.

Precious Dead Sea mineral complex ~ From the lowest point on the Earth’s surface at – 417 meters below sea level which helps maintain optimal hydration levels for skin.

Vitamin A ~ Vitamin A is known to be important in the assistance of skin renewal. It contains natural retinol.

Vitamin B ~ Helps the skin hold on to moisture by creating an evaporation barrier that also helps protect against environmental damages.

Vitamin C ~ Promotes collagen production which is essential for firm, youthful skin.

Vitamin E ~ Can help support cell function and skin health.

Vitamin F ~ Is rich in Omega 6 which is essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Menthol ~ Provides a nice cooling effect on the skin.

Natural Plant Extracts:

Orange ~ The natural oils contained in oranges help moisturize skin, making it soft and healthy.

Jojoba seed oil – A powerful agent that soothes and calms the skin and helps it to retain moisture.

Aloe vera ~ Contains certain compounds called polysaccharides, which can help in encouraging skin repair.

Chamomile – Has been used for centuries to relieve and calm tired skin and allow the natural restorative healing to take place.

Extrait de graines de marron d’Inde ~ Un extrait puissant qui contient des vitamines du complexe B et de la vitamine K qui aident à maintenir l’apparence saine de la peau.

Mineral Vitalizing Peel-Off Mask - SeasideSPA

Mineral Vitalizing Peel-Off Mask



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